Cyrus has been a beacon for animal welfare and saving animals, both wild and domestic from abuse, near death and neglect. As far as I can remember, he has always been drawn toward animals and is well known around Lucknow for his work. His farm CYRO the kingdom and Pet Sanctuary is a safe haven for all of God’s creation.
Name and designation
Animal activist and handler.
A brief on your work?
I’m the owner of an Animal welfare trust by the name of CYRO and running a rescue sanctuary for 12 yrs by the name CYRO Pet Sanctuary which caters to all sorts of animals birds and reptiles, wild as well as tame. We specialize in handling large animals especially horses, mules and cattle which we rescue from cruelty.
What inspires you?
My work and the animals I work with inspire me allot which makes me return to my job every single day.
Why have you chosen what you do? What drives you?
This job I didn’t choose in fact the job choose me as since a kid I’ve always been drawn close to animals in stress and somehow they find their way to me.
Favorite Book?
So far have I no favorite book as I hardly get time to read stories but yes I do read allot of books on animals and medicine.
People who have inspired you?
This line has a very few people who actually have inspired me but among the few is my mother which is another animal lover and a dear friend of mine, Anurag Mishra who is a well known animal activist and owner of one of the most successful rescue cattle farms. I’ve learnt a lot from him.
Your message to India and others who want to follow in your footsteps
My message to India is that our country and its people has a very busy schedule and in that business don’t forget that there is nature and it’s animals that need our care and love and for all who want to follow in my footsteps an advice, that this job cannot be carried out if you don’t have the heart, strength, finance,time and willpower to face the days with animals and rescues as no day is the same in this line. There many ups and more downs but all has to be faced weather you like it or not.
Where can we get to see your work?
I get to see my work much greener, richer and stronger day by day as it’s a saying, the harder you work the better you reap and I as well as all my staff on duty work very hard to keep our sanctuary on the top of the list.
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